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2000 Festival

Here is a list of the speakers who appeared at the Wells Festival of Literature in 2000

TalkAnne Harvey with Douglas VerrallAdlestrop revisited
TheatreKathy Clancy & Colin PinneyYeats & Maud Gonne
TalkChristopher SomervilleOwn poems
TalkJohn Wroughtonhistory - Civil War
TalkElizabeth Jane HowardNovel
TalkJoan AikenWomen in the time of Jane Austen
TalkJuliet Barkerbiography - Wordsworth
TalkNicola BeaumanRediscovering women writers
TalkMichael HolroydArt of biography
TheatrePuppetcraftThe Mousehole Cat
TalkWilliam Rees-Mogg3 Somerset authors
WorkshopDavid GrubbPoetry Workshop
TalkMary SoamesLetters of the Churchills