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Event 22 of 36
Book Cover

Benji Waterhouse

You don’t have to be mad to work here
In conversation with Richard Mainwaring

Starts at: Wednesday 23 October 7:45 PM
Finishes at: Wednesday 23 October 8:45 PM
Author Photo
Book Cover
Author Photo
Tickets: On Sale from Monday 05 August, 9:30 AM

Both sides of a psychiatrist’s desk are challenging. Whichever way you look at it, the whole business of psychiatric medicine is desperately confusing. This complicated world is like no other; those who inhabit it are like no others. Nor are they like each other.

Dr Waterhouse describes his patients, and their unique foibles, with warmth and humour. One woman in a wedding dress is looking for Harry Styles. A lorry driver with schizophrenia has a cure for Coronavirus. Someone with depression hides his profession from his GP. Most cases are his patients; some are family members; one is Dr Benji himself.

This engaging book provides an inside view of the psych ward, a fly-on-the-padded-wall account of medicine’s most mysterious speciality. Why would anyone in their right mind choose to be a psychiatrist? Can the solutions to people’s chaotic lives really lie within medical school textbooks?