Watch this space
July 31 2023The programme is confirmed and made public; the brochure has appeared and can be picked up almost anywhere; ticket sales have got off to a racing start.
What more is there to say?
A brilliant addition to the line-up – that’s what!
Richard Mainwaring, the ‘frequency guy’ who made an unforgettable impact with Everybody Hertz at last year’s Festival, will be in conversation with Luke O’Neill this year. They will be discussing Luke’s hilarious new book which asks – and answers – all those science-related questions you really feel you ought to understand. A world-renowned immunologist, Luke has been described as the science teacher you wish you’d had. He is also passionate about music, so get him chatting to the musical adventurer who’s wild about good vibrations and you’ll find the sky’s the limit!
Richard will be quizzing Luke on his mind-boggling book entitled To Boldly Go Where No Book Has Gone Before on Monday 30 October at 6pm in a discussion that promises to be out of this world. Tickets are on sale now.