2019 Competitions: Our Judge Chosen as Poet Laureate!
Congratulations to this year’s poetry judge for his recent elevation: It was announced on 10 May 2019 that Her Majesty The Queen ‘has been pleased to approve the appointment of Simon Armitage as the next Poet Laureate for a fixed-term of ten years’.
We are delighted with this news and wish Simon all the very best as he takes on this exciting and highly esteemed role. Simon becomes the UK’s 21st Poet Laureate, succeeding Dame Carol Ann Duffy. Simon is Professor of Poetry at the University of Leeds and has published 28 collections of poetry. In 2010 he received a CBE for services to poetry and we are thrilled that he will be judging our Poetry Competition this year.
We are sure the news will prove inspirational to all the poets out there who are considering entering the 2019 competition. Put your poetic creativity to work and get writing.
The 2019 International Competitions: Winners have been announced.