2021 Festival: looks new and looks familiar
Ever since 2014 the Wells Festival of Literature has been recognised by its iconic green and yellow apostrophes. Now the Festival has reinvigorated those well-known literary markers, making them bolder and brighter yet still a perfect reminder of what our Festival is all about: namely a celebration of the written word.

This innovative departure for 2021 has now been launched (see pic) and features some dynamic colours as well as the familiar favourites.
Speakers for the October event are already being booked, with top names looking set to promise the kind of inspiring, informative and entertaining programme that has made our Festival so popular during the last 28 years. But the pioneering hybrid programme which we offered last year, and which attracted a new virtual audience from beyond the usual catchment area, proved so successful that we intend to repeat it. This means our fans can enjoy the entire Festival, even if they are unable to attend events in person.
The Festival’s essentials remain the same: our hugely popular International Competitions run from 1 April to 30 June 2021; and our educational projects with local state schools and colleges continue to develop. And, as always, we look forward to a Festival that’s bolder and brighter than ever!