Another Anniversary
Wells Festival of Literature celebrates its 25th Anniversary in October and we are proud to be sharing that celebration, albeit on a longer timescale, with the Reformation and Martin Luther. In October it will be 500 years since Luther famously posted his 95 Theses on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg.
In a very special Literary Lunch on Friday 20 October Dr Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington, will examine Luther’s teachings from a modern perspective and discuss how his attitude to many of the issues of the 16th century would be equally relevant in the 21st.
Also on the theme of the Reformation there will be a showing of A Monk’s Tale in St Cuthbert’s church in Wells during the run up to the Festival. The show, written by TV comedy writer James Cary, is for people who aren’t quite sure which Luther inspired the Reformation! Think Horrible Histories combined with Monty Python and you may get the picture. The purpose of A Monk’s Tale is to helps us understand exactly what Luther was trying to do with his 95 Theses, and for a little more insight, catch up with James Cary over a cup of coffee.
Talking of Horrible Histories, it’s also the 25th anniversary of the series, and we are lucky enough to welcome the illustrator, Martin Brown, to Wells.