Poetry. An Inspiration for the Young
As part of the Wells Festival of Literature Education Committee’s programme of work in local schools, the poet AF Harrold visited Hemington School on 20 March. All the children involved in the day’s poetry activities were so inspired by the visit that they joined forces to say ‘thank you’ in verse. This goes to show that you are never too young to start enjoying poetry, or even creating it yourself. So it is a perfect time to announce that the Wells Festival of Literature 2018 competitions open this week – on Sunday 1 April. And this year we have added a new category: Young Poets. This is open to anyone aged between 16 and 22 inclusive. Not long to wait Hemington!
Ode to AFH
- Susan-owner
- Cat-lover
- Rat-hater
- Poem-creator
- Book-lover
- Joke-teller
- Awesome-actor
- Word-wizard
- Potamus-promoter
- Laugh-maker
- Knowledge-sharer
- Bearded-feller
- Glasses-wearer
- Hat-owner
- Jacket-user
From all at Hemington. Thank you very much