It’s Over!
The 29th Wells Festival of Literature has now ended and the team of volunteers who put it together are pausing for a well-earned rest.
Described by Anil Seth, one of our most popular speakers this year, as ‘an absolute joy,’ the 29th Festival proved to be easily as enjoyable as the preceding 28.
As always, the Festival offered a wide range of topics, with something for everyone, whatever their interests. All in all, there were eight events covering politics and current affairs, six on science and nature, five historical subjects, three on literature, two each on fiction and comedy and single events on poetry, travel, art and cookery. There was also a (slightly damp) walking talk which ended with a cream tea!
With such an attractive selection from which our audiences could pick and choose, it’s not surprising that some continued watching after the Festival had finished. Recorded events were available through November but now the 29th Festival really is over.
Details of the 30th will be available here in the fulness of time. And of course if you subscribe to our newsletter, you will be amongst the first to hear the news as it happens.